Scampo is a culinary destination created by legendary Boston-based Chef Lydia Shire. In Scampo, Shire’s reputation for defying tradition translates into Italian-inspired cuisine unrestrained by borders, drawing on flavors from the Mediterranean and Middle East. Scampo is a reflection of Chef Shire: bold, red and full of energy.
The contemporary space in the heart of Boston’s famed Beacon Hill features shiny copper lamps, a glowing orange bar and stools overlooking a mozzarella bar, setting the stage for house-made breads baked in a tandoori oven, pastas that surpass red sauce norms and entrées that turn simple ingredients into extraordinary experiences. An approachable wine list complements the food with ready-to-drink varietals from mostly small Italian and American producers.
Dinner: Monday – Saturday 5:00PM – 9:30 PM and Sunday 4:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Lunch: Thursday – Saturday 12:00 PM – 3:00PM
Phone: 617.536.2100
Fax: 857.241.1151
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